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Our Local Councillors

Cllr Colin Davidson

“The work of the Community Trade Hub has made a significant impact on the lives of young people in our area.

The initiative developed by Kenny McAllister and his team have developed and delivered is groundbreaking and providing opportunities for young people in an area that’s been blighted by high youth unemployment for over a decade”

Our Local Councillor Support: Quote

Our Local Councillors

Cllr Ken Caldwell

"I have been following the development of the Community Trade Hub since it's early days and I've been pleased to support it's progress in any way possible.
They have made a fantastic impression in the Community in the short time they have been active.
They have been a great influence on getting many of our young people who perhaps, for whatever reason, did not find School to their liking, into a positive career path.

Our Local Councillor Support: Quote
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Our Local Councillors

Cllr David Graham

"I've been an elected member for 8 years and remember the start of Community Trade Hub. Kenny and the team at the Trade Hub have created an ethos in our community which is nothing short of outstanding. I have spoken with many young people and parents of others who have taken part in the project and they can't speak highly enough about the work of the Trade Hub. The difference the Community Trade Hub have made to those in our community who are hardest to reach is unbelievable. The Community Trade Hub are a credit to our community and I fully support their efforts”

Our Local Councillor Support: Quote

Our Local Councillors

Cllr David Alexander

I have watched this venture grow from an idea to where it is now.  We thought that the projections were maybe too ambitious. The reality is the group have smashed these initial ambitions  despite having many hurdles to overcome.  The ground breaking work that is being done and the changing of young people,s lives is inspirational.  Everyone involved deserves congratulations and hopefully this is just the beginning.

Our Local Councillor Support: Quote

Our Local Councillors

David Paterson, Community Manager for Communities and Neighbourhoods

'The CTH has changed the dynamic for training opportunities in the Levenmouth area.  The ability for local people to access high quality training on their doorstep has been key to the success rates shown in this report. When you couple these positive outcomes with the local benefits that the project work the CTH has  undertaken locally , its a great local asset'

Our Local Councillor Support: Quote
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